Ancre Hill Estates

Mae Ancre Hill Estates wedi’i leoli yn Sir Fynwy.

Mae'r 12 hectar o winllannoedd wedi'u lleoli'n berffaith ar lethrau sy'n gwynebu'r de yn agos at Drefynwy a Dyffryn Gwy.

Y nod yw creu gwin sydd o'r ansawdd uchel drwy ddefnyddio dulliau biodynamig traddodiadol ag organig i dyfu'r ffrwythau gorau bosib.

Ancre Hill Estates is located in the beautiful county of Monmouthshire.

The 12 hectares of vineyards are perfectly positioned on south facing slopes close to Monmouth and the Wye Valley (AONB).

The Estates' ethos is to deliver wines of the highest quality, utilising traditional biodynamic and organic viticultural practices to produce the best possible fruits from carefully sourced and selected varieties with excellent heritage.

Great wine is made in the vineyard and work done in the Winery may only realise the potential at harvest. The wines produced at Ancre Hill express the terroir of ancient mudstone and sandstone soils, giving the wines their character and natural flavours, with no external intervention or manipulation in the winemaking process.
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