Hebron Vineyard, Rondo Amphora 2021

SKU: 15107901

Wholesome earthy nose, full of beetroot and crushed berries. Wales' only amphora aged wines.

Availability: 31
Gostyngiadau am Symiau Mawr ar Gael | Bulk Discounts Available
Swm | Qty 1+ 12+
Unit Price £29.00 £27.55

Wholesome earthy nose, full of beetroot and crushed bilberries, elderberry, cranberry and rosehip, cured meat. Light bodied, high acidity, low alcohol, fine grained tannins to give the delicious astringency of the flesh around the stone of a yellow flesh plum. Pleasant, appetitive bitterness on the finish. 


  • Still
  • Red
  • Yes
  • Hebron Vineyard
  • Wales
Lead Grape Variety
  • Rondo
All Grape Varieties
  • Rondo
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