Grounds for Good cardboard bottle Gin    Grounds for Good founder Dr Rosie Oretti      Grounds for Good Vodka


A major downside to our favourite drink is that most coffee grounds are used only once and then succumb to landfill. Decomposing coffee grounds in bulk quantities give off harmful Methane gas, which is around 34 times more potent than Carbon Dioxide as a greenhouse gas and is thus a primary cause of global warming.

With an ever-increasing coffee-drinking culture, this problem is only set to worsen. Most coffee establishments also have to pay high commercial waste rates to remove their abundant, wet and heavy coffee grounds. So, what if these waste grounds could avoid a trip to landfill and then a wonderful new and meaningful purpose found for them to benefit our wellbeing and our communities?
This was the starting point of GFG. Founded in 2020, during lockdown, by retired medic come beauty entrepreneur, Dr Rosie Oretti. The principle aim of the company is to change what we consider to be waste. Drawing upon her years of experience Rosie harnessed ‘three angles of good’ to form GFG.

Grounds for Good believe that every person has a right to a place they can call home and so trades as a social enterprise where profits will go to The Wallich; a National charity supporting homeless individuals across Wales and their rehabilitation back into employment. It provides a number of placements for individuals, equipping them with useful practical and business skills in readiness for their return to the workplace and enables them to give back directly to the charity that supported their own recovery.

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