Caws Cenarth is a family business founded by Gwynfor and Thelma Adams in 1987 in response to milk quotas. Now, their son Carwyn runs the business. On their farm, Glyneithinog, in the lush valley of the river Cych in South West Wales, they drew on a six generation tradition of cheesemaking and Caws Cenarth quickly established a reputation for its creamy, fresh-flavoured Caerffili.
Cheesemaking began in 1903 with Carwyn’s great, great, grandmothers Lizzie Wyn and Leisa Jones making cheese for the family and to sell at the local market. The tradition stayed in the family until 1987 when Gwynfor and Thelma Adams rekindled the family tradition and Caws Cenarth was born.
Thelma became a leading light in the renaissance of Welsh artisan cheese making.
Caws Cenarth is the oldest established producer of Welsh Farmhouse Caerffili. As well as the traditional Caerffili, Caws Cenarth also produces other varieties of the cheese such as Garlic and Herb Caerffili and Smoked Caerffili. More recently, Carwyn has developed new cheeses, including the Brie-like Perl Wen, creamy blue Perl Las, and Golden Cenarth, a washed-rind cheese with a powerful flavour – and winner of the Supreme Champion accolade at the British Cheese Awards 2010.
Caws Cenarth use both organic and non-organic milk from within 30 miles of the Dairy for cheeses whose taste is directly linked to the local area. The French call it the “Terroir”, how the flavour is affected by the rainfall, the sunshine, coastal climate and other factors that are specific to the area.
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