Lloegr | England

With more than 450 vineyards in England wine making is growing in popularity famous producers like Nytimber and Chapel Down have helped this. Sparkling wine makes up the most of what is produced, followed by white the red wine

Lloegr | England

With more than 450 vineyards in England wine making is growing in popularity famous producers like Nytimber and Chapel Down have helped this. Sparkling wine makes up the most of what is produced, followed by white the red wine

Sugrue South Downs, ZODO

From £67.45
Availability: Out of Stock
A killer English sparkling wine that is one of the most Champagne-like in style.
Gostyngiadau am Symiau Mawr ar Gael | Bulk Discounts Available

Sugrue South Downs, Rose Ex Machina 2018

From £57.00
Availability: Out of Stock
Vibrant, rich coral pink colour, this is a crowd-pleaser that gives much pleasure on its own.  
Gostyngiadau am Symiau Mawr ar Gael | Bulk Discounts Available

Bee Tree, Pinot Noir

From £22.80
Availability: Out of Stock
Light and juicy and full of ripe red cherries, tayberry and plums.
Gostyngiadau am Symiau Mawr ar Gael | Bulk Discounts Available