Medd ag Arbennigol | Session Mead & Speciality

Session meads and speciality ales from across Wales

Medd ag Arbennigol | Session Mead & Speciality

Session meads and speciality ales from across Wales
Availability: 48
Availability: 72
Tart and complex with delicious cherry notes.  
Gostyngiadau am Symiau Mawr ar Gael | Bulk Discounts Available
Availability: 65
From £3.78
Availability: 65
Delicious fresh Pilsner finished with British honey.
Gostyngiadau am Symiau Mawr ar Gael | Bulk Discounts Available
Availability: Available for Pre-Order
From £4.59
Availability: Available for Pre-Order
Brewed on 100% honey, and infused with the tangy essence of ripe raspberries.
Gostyngiadau am Symiau Mawr ar Gael | Bulk Discounts Available
Availability: 32
From £3.78
Availability: 32
A bee hive shaped gift box containing 6 flavours of sparkling mead.
Availability: Available for Pre-Order
Availability: Available for Pre-Order
Light, crisp and refreshing with a real citrus punch, this pale is the ideal session...
Gostyngiadau am Symiau Mawr ar Gael | Bulk Discounts Available
Availability: 11
From £4.59
Availability: 11