Polly's Brew Co, A Passion for Fashion 4.5%, 440ml can

SKU: 76145401

A super dry, juicy and zesty gose, not at all for the faint of heart. Welcome back, Pash!


Availability: 6
Gostyngiadau am Symiau Mawr ar Gael | Bulk Discounts Available
Swm | Qty 1+ 12+
Unit Price £6.25 £5.63

The cult classic is back for another go-around! A Passion for Fashion made waves when first brewed back in 2019; with it being a 100% Lally at the wheel zinger. Polly's Brew Co's Scottish magician is a lover of all things face-scrunchingly sour, and they’ve let him completely off the leash again with this, one of the most talked about and yearned for beers of their entire five and a half years as an active brewery. A mouth puckeringly sour gose packed to the nines with 115kg of fresh limes, a kilo of Anglesey sea salt, and just a sprinkling of lime zest to boot. Named for an in-joke in the brewery about their complete lack of fashion sense, the result is a super dry, juicy and zesty gose, not at all for the faint of heart. Welcome back, Pash!


  • 440ml
  • No
  • Yes
  • Yes
Beer Style
  • Pale
Alcohol Free
  • No
  • 4.5
  • 10% discount when you buy 12 cans or more
  • Can
  • Polly's Brew Co

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