Trethowan, Gorwydd Caerffili, approx 2.2kg Round, (price is per kg)

SKU: D0109250

Semi-hard, unpasteurised, hand-made cheese made to a traditional recipe. Super Gold winner at World Cheese Awards 2022-23!


Super Gold winner at World Cheese Awards 2022-23 and included in the top 16 cheeses in the World for the third year in a row.

Great Taste Awards 2021 - 3 Stars. 2kg or 4kg round of cheese with a natural mould rind, white-grey-brown in colour with a wrinkled surface. There is a pronounced rim about 4mm deep around the top edge. The interior is cream coloured with a darker band immediately beneath the rind, which gradually increases in size as the cheese matures. When young, the cheese has a fresh-tasting, lemony zest. As it matures, the flavour becomes more intense with a creamy savoury taste. Firm and slightly crumbly texture; towards the perimeter the cheese has a creamier texture.

  • Yes
  • No
  • No
Cheese Type
  • Hard
  • No
Milk Type
  • Cows'
  • Trethowan Brothers
  • England
Great Taste Award Rating
  • 2023 - 3 Star

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