Blas ar Fwyd yn dathlu dwy 2 Seren gwobr yn Great Taste 2023 | Blas ar Fwyd celebrate two 2 Star awards at Great Taste 2023
Mae Blas ar Fwyd yn hynod falch o ennill tair gwobr yng Ngwobrau Great Taste eleni.
Ein Enillwyr:
Cish nionyn Cymreig – 2 Seren
Jam Mefus – 2 Seren
Cawl Corbis Sbeislyd – 1 Seren
Mae Blas ar Fwyd bellach wedi ennill 61 o Wobrau Great Taste am fwyd a gynhyrchwyd â llaw mewn sypiau bach yn ein ceginau sydd wedi’u hachredu gan SALSA o dan wyliadwriaeth ein prif gogydd o dros ugain mlynedd, Gwenda Evans.
Blas ar Fwyd were proud to be the winners of three awards at the Great Taste Awards this year.
Our Winners:
Welsh Onion Quiche – 2 Stars
Judges comments:
"...We loved the notes of onion that filled the palate...moist and juicy with notes of cheese and onion working in harmony. The pastry at the sides was buttery and crisp...Very moreish with a great homemade vibe going on."
Strawberry Extra Jam – 2 Stars
Judges comments:
"...buttery in flavour and has lots of fruit. We very much enjoyed the natural fruity aroma and plump pieces of berry in this jam. A jam with a vibrant colour and lovely strong strawberry aroma...It really filled the mouth with the flavours of strawberry and would be perfect on a scone. "
Spicy Lentil Soup – 1 Star
Judges comments:
"...a hearty wholesome looking soup with a thick, mostly creamy, smooth texture...there are some delicious flavours from the spices and the pepper adds a warming heat..."
Blas ar Fwyd have now won 61 Great Taste Awards for food produced by hand in small batches in our SALSA accredited kitchens under the watch of our long-serving head chef, Gwenda Evans.
What do the awards mean?
2 Stars: Outstanding
Above and beyond delicious - less than 10% of entries will achieve this rating
1 Star: Simply delicious
A food that delivers fantastic flavour - approximately 25% of entries will achieve this rating each year.
Shop all 2023 Great Taste Winners
Ein Enillwyr:
Cish nionyn Cymreig – 2 Seren

Jam Mefus – 2 Seren

Cawl Corbis Sbeislyd – 1 Seren

Mae Blas ar Fwyd bellach wedi ennill 61 o Wobrau Great Taste am fwyd a gynhyrchwyd â llaw mewn sypiau bach yn ein ceginau sydd wedi’u hachredu gan SALSA o dan wyliadwriaeth ein prif gogydd o dros ugain mlynedd, Gwenda Evans.
Blas ar Fwyd were proud to be the winners of three awards at the Great Taste Awards this year.
Our Winners:
Welsh Onion Quiche – 2 Stars

Judges comments:
"...We loved the notes of onion that filled the palate...moist and juicy with notes of cheese and onion working in harmony. The pastry at the sides was buttery and crisp...Very moreish with a great homemade vibe going on."
Strawberry Extra Jam – 2 Stars

Judges comments:
"...buttery in flavour and has lots of fruit. We very much enjoyed the natural fruity aroma and plump pieces of berry in this jam. A jam with a vibrant colour and lovely strong strawberry aroma...It really filled the mouth with the flavours of strawberry and would be perfect on a scone. "
Spicy Lentil Soup – 1 Star

Judges comments:
"...a hearty wholesome looking soup with a thick, mostly creamy, smooth texture...there are some delicious flavours from the spices and the pepper adds a warming heat..."
Blas ar Fwyd have now won 61 Great Taste Awards for food produced by hand in small batches in our SALSA accredited kitchens under the watch of our long-serving head chef, Gwenda Evans.
What do the awards mean?
2 Stars: Outstanding
Above and beyond delicious - less than 10% of entries will achieve this rating
1 Star: Simply delicious
A food that delivers fantastic flavour - approximately 25% of entries will achieve this rating each year.
Shop all 2023 Great Taste Winners